An attempt to share my journey with God and friends as I discover His truths daily. He promises In Isaiah 45:3 to give us the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. Some of those treasures I have found, and others I am still digging and searching for. Thank you for joining me on my quest and sharing my heart's treasures!
Daily LOVE Check: Taken from Amy Carmichael's book, IF
If I find myself half-carelessly taking lapses for granted, "Oh, that's what they always do," "Oh, of course she talks like that, he acts like that," then I know nothing of Calvary love.
I am the middle
child of five,
born to Dutch immigrant
parents who settled
in New Jersey.
I was always a dreamer,
hoping some day
to move away and be
on my own.
Dreams have a way
of coming true,
but in a more realistic,
down to earth way.
I have been on my own
and away from home
since I was 18.
After 3 years
at Prairie Bible Institute,
I moved to Florida
and began my independence.
It was harder than
I had imagined, full of disappointments,
opportunities, adventure,
and people.
All of these molded me
into what I am today --
some of which I wish
I could change
and do over,
some I wish I had more of.
I can only thank the Lord
for always being there,
even when I wanted
my own way,
for loving me when
all I did was love myself,
and for waiting for me
to come home to Him,
when I wanted to make my own
wayward ways.
He saw me then. . . .
He sees me now. . .
and He loves me still!