
Friday, March 9, 2012

Where I am From

Over 4 years ago now, I posted this about my self, entitled, "Where I am From." Somewhere, someone had a a list to follow that would guide you in writing your own "history" in a very unique way. The past few days, I was thinking about this, and wouldn't you know. Ann VosKamp wrote hers and posted it today on her blog. So I thought I would repost mine here:

I am from books, from old sappy novels like Elsie Dinsmore that make you cry, and from soft, heart-searching music.

I am from the old style home with big, wide staircases, wrap around porches, railings and slate sidewalks.

I am from the forsythias, the pussy willows and lilacs.

I am from Sintra Klas and oli bollens, and singing hymns around the piano, from Anthonie and Aleida, and Sterenborgs and Eelmans.

I am from the weather watchers, the campers, the nurses, and the typists, the oil burner repairmen, the bakers and the cooks. I am from sea captains and fine keepers of the home.

I am from being afraid of what was hiding in dark closets. I am from staying away from old men in the park, not accepting candy from "bums" and not accepting rides from strangers.

I am from jumpropes and double-dutch, hopscotch and handmade beanbags, swings and seesaws, sandboxes and tricycles.

I am from knowing God loves me, died for me, and that I will be with Him, my Mom and Dad someday. I am from being forgiven, loved. I am from a God of second chances.

I'm from New Jersey, Holland - Texel and Amsterdam, boterkoek and chocolate chip cookies.

I am from the Dad who turned over outhouses as a child, pushed the peddles on the old Dutch pipe organ for his blind uncle as he played. I am from the dad who delivered coal, fixed oil burners, and fixed my bike. I am from the Mother who could knit, crochet, tat and sew anything without a pattern or a chart, and the stepmom who gave every ounce of her being to make my father happy.

I am old stuff, like linens and handmade quilts. I am old kitchen utensils, buttermolds, and rolling pins. I am old hymbooks, old recipes, old lace, and old pictures.

I am from my heart, my soul, my feelings, my prayers. I am from words that need to be written, hugs that need to be given, prayers that need to be prayed and tears that need to be shed.

I am from the Poet's Heart and I love to write and His Songs!


WhiteStone said...

I like the way you wrote this.

Denise said...

Cora !!!!! how are you? Think of you so often and wonder how you are....Sent you an emal and have not heard back.... Hope you are well and doing ok.... I got the seeds and sent you an email ..... I have some planted and watch them every day........ Love you girl and I am living in faith that this year will see such joy in your life..... I am climbing out of my terrible depression...... I think I am reaching the top....... sending spring time blessings........

Andrea Dawn said...

So sweet to hear a little bit of where you are from.

♥ my diary♥ said...

nice post thanks for sharing...blessings...

Janet Beckwith Macy said...

I loved this. I wonder "where I am from".

I'll have to explore that since I did have a different type childhood.

dsblanchard said...


You are from heaven, sent to earth to minister to those of us who really need you. I am the chief among the needy. I feel inextricably linked to you by some divine thread of the Great Weaver. May your weave always come from a loom that lies somewhere close to mine.

Hugs, Dear Friend,

PS I told a young woman named Shari to come visit your blog. She is fighting Stage IV breast cancer and I know you came for her, too!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

How sweet this is! I just love it!

Kristin Bridgman said...

I LOVED this! I am from some of the places you mentioned:) If you don't mind, I would like to sit down and think about where all I am from. What a good idea.
Blessings to you Cora!

Leaon Mary said...

I love where you're from...
where you are today...
and especially where you're going!
Love ya chicky... and was delighted getting to know you better through this delightful post.
Let's play hopscotch.

thefisherlady said...

wonderful to see your roots Cora!...
just lovely the cord of beauty all the way through!

lynnmosher said...

Oh, Cora! I loved this. I took a class some time back and did this. I even blogged one. I love reading these. It tells you so much about the person who wrote it. Thank you so much for contacting me. Blessings to you!

Deb said...

Hi Cora, it's been such a long time. I want you to know that I often think of you and pray that you a doing well. Deb

Craig said...

the funny thing is that none of this – absolutely NONE of this is a surprise. And after just a short time of knowing each other – I could've guessed at all – and I already knew some of it – and that makes me smile. You are a gift Cora - you DO know that right? Anyway I know you even a little better now – you little Dutch Maid (or Swedish – or Norwegian – whatever kind of North you are) God bless you my friend!

Anne said...

This is wonderful, Cora! ~ I found you by happenstance ~ from a message you left for a follower of a follower of...well, you know how that goes!
There are no coincidences, though, are there?
I'm putting you on my sidebar!
Best, Anne ♥♥

Paula said...

I loved this, Cora... I feel like I know you so much better!
(And you're pretty interesting! *grin*)

Debra said...

Oh how lovely~I can't believe I missed this post, did that happen???
You are a writer-for sure.

I can't even begin to tell you how I treasure your friendship.

I do miss Juri-I found a blog we had both followed way back in the 'beginning'- when I first started blogging that is. And there she was-I miss her blog~ I hope all is well. Forgive me if she is not well and I am hurting you, but I pray she is healthy and happy.

I love you.

thefisherlady said...

Congrats on your beautiful blogger award sent your way from Dawn!
Just lovely!

Elaine said...

I loved this! I like the way you write