To bend the knee and have to put it down,
To pick up thorns to weave a painful crown,
To cast aside a jewel for nails placed in my hand ---
His way is best, and better than I planned!"
To leave behind that which is not a cross,
To count as gain what seems a heavy loss,
To bear the scars of wounds from long ago --
His way is best, it’s all I need to know.
To choose to stay, to burn within the flame;
See! gold comes forth to glorify His name.
Unnoticed, cast aside are ashes cold --
Dreams I longed to keep but could not hold.
Tears that burn, but still I choose to sing;
Blistered feet yet still, I’m following --
Stepping in His footprints in the sand --
His way is best, and better than I planned.
-- Cora Eelman
"I remember the days of old,
I think about all Your deeds,
I meditate on the works of Your hands.
I stretch out my hands to You;
my soul thirsts for You like a parched land.
Let me hear of Your steadfast love in the morning,
for in You I put my trust.
Teach me the way I should go,
for to You I lift up my soul."
Psalm 143: 5,6,8
Continuing counting all the gifts God sends my way --- or at least those I take the time to see and notice:
592. Beautiful Spring days during a time when my air conditioner was not working.
593. Open windows, fresh air, singing birds.
594. Someone I could trust to evaluate busted air conditioner.
595. God’s provision for the replacement unit. Buster was the happiest as he was beginning to wonder --- his panting drove me nuts!
596. COOL air gently blowing through those vents!!!! I’m so spoiled.
597. Seeing everything turn green so quickly. With the weather so warm and sunny this month, the leaves couldn’t grow fast enough.
598. Becoming an eagle watcher. I’ve been hooked on watching the live cam from the Decorah, IA eagles nest. It’s been one miracle after another watching the revamping and renovation work done on the nest, then the laying of eggs, the sitting on the eggs through snow storms and rain, wind, etc. Then, the hatching of each of the three eggs. Just pure amazing!
599. The opportunity to share my story of God’s faithfulness through cancer with someone just beginning their journey.
600. Witnessing a baptism of four new believers in Christ. Such a thrill to hear their testimonies!
601. A friend telling me that she celebrates her 5th year of sobriety this month. Her story has always been one of awe inspiring strength to me. I’m so proud of her!
602. Great doctor visits with good reports and still losing weight. It’s slow, but steady. Weight Watchers works.
603. Pastor’s Bible study in Hebrews on Thursday nights. You know, I realized some time back that I have never studied the book of Hebrews as a whole. Yes, I have heard lots of sermons on passages here and there, but never a concentrated study as a book. I’ve always been scared of it, to tell you the truth. But as Pastor began with his introduction, laid out the theme and where we were going, I felt a little more sure of it all. I’m looking forward to this!
604. And our “Bible Institute” study on Monday nights is beginning Romans. Can’t wait for that, either.
605. Blooming wisteria! I’m telling you, I wish I could have a “scratch and sniff” thing here on this blog. This just has to be the scent of Heaven! The only trouble is, I can’t stick my nose in them as there must be a million bees in those blossoms! If only these blooms would last longer!!!!
Joining with so many others who continue to count their gifts:

Oh Cora, you live so graciously and offer your wisdom and knowledge so freely and generously. Yours words always leave me feeling picked up and dusted off and ready to face the next hurdle speeding my way :)
Thank you sweet friend, for continuing on and showing up and holding our hands along the way!
Blessings to you!
So many things to give thanks for...from eagles to sermons that make you soar like one!
beautiful, Cora!
i loved, loved the poem. you are gifted in poetry. the scripture from Psalms really struck me though. i needed to read that tonight. been having anxiety pain today...God knew what i needed...(oh! i love wysteria too! it grows wild here--beautiful)thank you so much...and for your prayers, and your constant encouragement on my blog. you are a *dear*, dear friend. praise God for your good reports! i will try to write tomorrow! your kind words mean so, so much--to know that you continue to pray--what a blessing--you have been such a mentor to me. thank you. love you!
Cora, your poem is exquisite! What a sweet treat to have had a bird's eye view of the eagles whole process from preparing the nest to hatching young ones. The wisteria is simple gorgeous. Thankful with you that your AC is back up and running. Have a most blessed Holy week.
Dearest Cora,
I LOVE the poem, the psalm and the thanksgiving. I am so happy you are here twice when I looked. I'm headed on over to April 4 now!
Love this and you,
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