He says to open our Bibles to 1 Peter 2:1-3. We bow our heads and ask the Lord to open our eyes and hearts to what He has to say to us. My pen is in my hand. My notebook is on my lap. My Bible is open to the appropriate place.
He points out the word, “therefore,” the first word in this chapter, and reminds us to always ask, What is it there for? The preceding chapter ends talking about the Word of the Lord enduring forever, never changing in an ever-changing world. I think of how my world has changed, things I could not control, things I never thought would happen, things I can’t go back and fix, things that might change tomorrow. I liked the statement that the Book I was holding open in my hands would never change and would endure through anything forever!
He continues with the passage: As a result of this Word enduring forever, what was our reaction to be in light of this?
1. Lay aside all malice (wicked ill will towards others), a desire to see someone trip and fall.
2. Deceit -- deliberately dishonest.
3. Hypocrisy - a front, a mask, trying to portray yourself as something you are not.
4. Envy -- When you compare yourself to others and you feel you are coming up short. But we should know that He deals with each of us personally, and supplies each of us with exactly what we need.
5. Slander -- Did you know that even TRUTH can hurt other people if spoken with the intent to belittle?
There are times when we should just keep our mouths shut!
It is these five things that we need to put aside.
And then something happens. Deep within my heart. Almost a voice, a whisper. VERY distracting to me as I like to take good notes. But HE wouldn’t quit. And so I listen.
“Why is it you never talk to me about YOU?”
“What???” I think silently.
“You heard me.”
“Yeah, I did, but what’s that got to do with this sermon?” (As I’m trying to listen to Pastor and take notes.)
I try to squish it down, part of me taking notes:
Verse 2 says we should be as newborn babies, as innocent as these sweet ones, cleansed, with none of the above blemishes, with no unrighteousness, and desiring (longing for) His word. The word, desire, shows a continuous action, to keep on desiring.
Pastor says, God loves us as we are, but doesn’t want to leave us there. He wants to see us grow and change. How does this happen? Through His Word. We should desire it in such a way that nothing keeps us from it. And once we have tasted it, nothing will keep us away.
Verse 3 uses the word “gracious.” Peter wrote in Greek, but he spoke in Aramaic. So what was he really saying here? In Aramaic, this was an often used word, like when you put out a delicious meal, fantastic, more than good!
“So when are we going to talk about YOU?”
There it was again.
I go home frustrated. After all, I pray! A lot! I sit all afternoon stewing. I start tearing apart my prayers.
I pray for others -- whenever anyone comes to mind, I usually pray for them and if I know of any need in their life, I will pray about that, too.
I’m thankful. I try to thank Him for all things, even the hard things. Since reading Ann’s book, 1000 gifts, I’ve even been more thankful than ever.
I come to Him with my needs, my failures, my sins. . . What in the world is He asking of me when He says, “When are we going to talk about YOU?”
I finally have to admit, I don’t talk about ME -- the real, personal, the intimate, the what’s-troubling-me ME! I don’t talk about dreams and disappointments, likes and dislikes, gains and losses, etc.
“Can’t you just read my writings, Lord? It’s all in there!”
“No, we are not pen pals. What’s so hard about face to face, ear to ear, get to know each other kind of talk?”
And so --- my life takes a new direction. Prayer will change. Tomorrow will be different.
Did you get that from this sermon???? I searched my notes and I didn’t see it. But that’s what I heard on Sunday, and I’ll live it Monday, and Tuesday. . . And Wednesday.. . .
Linking up with other bloggers who heard it on Sunday and are striving to put it into practice on Monday. You can find their posts here:

That is profound Cora- simply profound that you heard him through these words in a way that opened your heart to a new way. Its clear to me that you take so many of US to him, and our needs, and our desires, but to know He desires YOU is beyond words. Thank you for sharing this moment of clarity and how it will direct you in the following days and weeks! I'm excited to see how this translates in your life :)
Blessings to you!
Thank you for this wonderful blog! I think we look alike, a little bit.When I read what you write about yourself - it looks like you wrote about me. It is time that I talk to God about myself. About my dreams, frustrations. my needs, my sins. (Soo very soon I think: He knows everything.) Thank you very much.
Very thought provoking.
You are so inspiring, I thank God I found your blog..Susie
Wow, It is a special moment when God speaks to you like that... It is good you recognized His voice.I think you just took a big step forward in your spiritual journey.
"We are not pen pals." Hm. That's for me to remember. Sometimes I behave like we are. He wants that close relationship with nothing in between! How awesome (really) is that!
Oh what a lot to chew on! You mean it's not enough to write God a letter? I usually do that! Because most of what I say verbally is praise and thanksgiving! :^) patsy
Amazing as always Cora. Love that.... "We are not pen pals". Sure makes you think. Thank you dear one.
Dear Cora,
God distracted you in CHURCH, Cora? That is really funny, but so typical for you. You are always catching me off-guard with how you learn new truths. This one learned sitting in a pew, listening to a sermon that was not about what you heard.
At least I could have taken my hearing aids out of my ears so the preacher's voice would have been silenced some, but you had to hear THROUGH the whole thing. It sounds like you did ok.
I heard the Lord loud and clear this weekend. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. So far I have been able to keep the feet out of my mouth.
Keep lookin' up,
So beautiful-so true.
Isn't it wonderful to know His voice?!
I love hearing about your spiritual journey, dear friend.
Love how the Living Word spoke to you, Cora and that you could come into agreement with Him. I bless your face-to-face chats with Him as you become more than "pen pals".
lol.....I feel I pray too much about "me"....maybe I should say "for" me. Don't get me wrong, I pray for others too, but it seems there is always something that I need to talk to the Father about myself!
Enjoyed your post!
Cora - What a wonderful post today!
I like your blog - especially the music, since I am an avid bird-watcher. I'm going to be a new follower, and hope you'll come back for a visit & follow Gail-Friends. Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment.
Shalom and blessings to you and yours,
This is very convicting, Cora. I'll have to let it sit with me awhile.
Love this part especially:
"No, we are not pen pals."
Great food for thought.
What a thought-provoking post. I write in a journal each morning what I call notes to God. I try to make them about Him and about me and to tack on some prayer requests for others as well. Those others-prayer-requests are lifted up at various times during the day but rarely prayers about me so early morning is when I try to do that. It's not easy to let yourself be so vulnerable, even to Him. But the result, when I can do it, is such a feeling of peace. blessings, marlene
He speaks to us even when we try not to hear. Like a loving parent to a self-willed child. Loving us all the time in spite of ourselves.
Thank-you Cora.
Gut-wrenchingly honest, Cora. Again, I thank you for sharing your depth and your honesty. Your words made me feel as if I sat next to you in church...
What about you.
Reading this Cora helps me see... -- be more aware how God does speak to us all so differently? We just have to listen and as His word says, "come to me."
He really does meet us in the place right where we are doesn't He? In a room full of people He'll speak one on one... to our own individual hearts.
It's hard to fathom.
God used your post today, to remind me also to "just be real."
"what about you" -- (heart)
Holykisses my friend,
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