
Friday, April 8, 2011

Real Friends

"To know someone here or there
with whom you can feel there is understanding
in spite of distances
or thoughts unexpressed --
that can make this life a garden."

Thank you, Lord, for giving me some of these. Thank you for sweet words in emails and cards, for the different fragrances each one leaves behind. Thank you for smiles that don't need words, for hugs that speak volumes, for hands that squeeze tight in prayer. Thank you for flowers blooming in my heart's garden today!


Debbie said...

A beautiful sentiment that matches the way I feel! Thanks for visiting and leaving your kind comment, and I am glad it was a blessing to you! :D


Cora said...

Beautiful words with much meaning. I am truly thankful for those "flowers" in my garden too!

Anonymous said...

lovely sentiment...I've been blest with several wonderful flowers are one of them..LOL...

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

That is lovely Cora, no matter how far apart we all are. We can always be friend, lend an ear or a kind word.
THat is a beautiful photo and flower.

*Linda Pinda* said...

Beautiful words from the lady who knows how to be a friend better then anybody else I know...

nancy huggins said...

Yes Cora..Life is always better with friends and my Grandmother always said if you can count your real friends on 1 hand when you die then you are a lucky person.
You are a very caring friend and I am happy to have you in my life.