I have progressed somewhat with my apron. I was wishing I had a real "seamstress" here to tell me what to do; but since I did not, I "winged" it the best I could.
I just could not figure out what to do with the raw edges on the underside of the two side pieces of the dresser scarf. I just didn't like that. I had sewn down the two pieces, following the sewing line of the fringe. That was fine. But the underside "flaps" left there just didn't cut it for me.
At first, I thought of turning them under and stitching them down. But I did not want another seam showing on the front. Then, I got the bright idea of embroidering a back stitch with embroidery floss around the edge, stitching down the turned edge underneath at the same time. I did one side like this, but hated it. Ripped all that out, washed it to get rid of the little stitching holes, and wondered what to do next.
The only solution I came up with was to use the fusible, iron on hemming stuff. And so I did. Though not a true seamstress's answer, it'll do for me right now.
What would you have done?????
I'm now ready to tackle the waistband.
Perfect and Proven
15 hours ago
Hi, this apron is just beautiful! You do lovely work! blessings, Kathleen
Oh boy...it is coming along. Good job Cora! See, I told you a very long time ago you could sew. ;-)
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